Written by: Dysolis
Date: Thursday, June 17th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
Greetings Basin!
I come to write to you about my feelings on certain things and a certain
someone that hasn't been acting very mature lately. I will come out and
say it to the point, so basicly I was removed from Gaudiguch a few years
or so ago. The reason was plain and simple I took a small amount of
power from the nexus that I said I would pay back. I said I wouldn't pay
it back right away because it takes a few days to put power in a nexus.
I also realize that I have linked a manse without permission but I have
already made up that cost. You can talk to the previous power minister
about that one and I'm sure if he didn't say I was good then he's
probably lying. I had a different power debt that was a small amount of
power and was not paid back right away. I was on my way to pay it back
within a few days even said it to himself but that didn't matter and I
was removed.
Gaudiguch has been taken over by a commune called Serenwilde forest and
if you haven't seen the majority of the people in that city lately well
let me tell you this they probably came from that commune. Why would a
commune want to take over a city you ask? That question will probably
never be answered and I think according to history communes hated cities
so why would they want to live in one? Gaudiguch once an enemy to that
forest many years ago is now being run by that commune. They have single
handedly taken away all of Gaudiguchs freedom in one fell swoop, the
city of Gaudiguch has no way to speak it's mind because the current
leader is probably still loyal to Serenwilde itself. I understand that a
lot of people in Serenwilde has been waiting a long time to join
Gaudiguch but let me be clear I would have not raided your commune if I
knew about that. If I had known that there was so many loyal
Serenwilders then I would of never attacked in the first place.
Gaudiguch's nomad camp was raided several times in the past by this very
commune to attempt preventing it from coming out of it's prison.
My problems with Gaudiguch's current s state are that several citizens
can't even think for themselves unless they wish to be punished. There
were several people who tried to oppose Gaudiguch's current leadership
but was quickly met with ousting. There were people who got ousted just
because this guy didn't like you for who you are. He ignores people he
doesn't like and won't respond to them at all or try to sort out the
issue itself. There also have been reports of various insults said over
the city aether to several citizens. Your welcome to try to claim
anything that I have said is to be found false but I doubt you will get
anywhere and find to agree with me. I now roam the basin as a rogue not
intentionally and to those that wish to join me in this war I will be
happy to give you my condolences if you were wronged in the past to the
claims I have gave. I will also note that Ulviistra will make a great
future leader for Gaudiguch as she has many qualities the current one
does not.
Burn in flames,
Dysolis Heatherwood
Penned by my hand on the 15th of Dvarsh, in the year 267 CE.