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Public News Post #1380

Reparation, spelt properly

Written by: Rika Talnara, the Snowflake
Date: Thursday, August 5th, 2010
Addressed to: Jazella Ama'nar'isil

Dear Celest,

Many years ago, Inagin attacked one of the citizens of Hallifax,
Daedalion. I went to defend Daedalion and was promptly enemied by Inagin
for the attacks, which amounted to a neat sum of one (1) tackle, to
Celest and the Paladins. I was later unenemied from Celest by Azula and
all was well. However, when Jazella became the Grand Duchess, she
enemied me again. I have been an enemy ever since, except for briefs
period of time where I have been given amnesty using my power, lifeforce
and material resources to defend your city.

Being not a greedy person, I will offer you the chance to make up for
the emotional, physical and mental damages done to me. For my many years
of being an enemy to both Celest and Paladins, I demand a sum of six
million, seven hundred and ninety-two thousand, six hundred and
thirty-three (6,792,633) gold sovereigns to be payable in equal annual
payments over three years. This comes out to be two million, two hundred
and sixty-four thousand, two hundred and eleven (2,264,211) gold
sovereigns each year, payable directly into my bank account in Hallifax.
I also demand that my enemy status to both Celest and the Paladins to be
immediately revoked. I find this amount to be enough to force members of
Celest to think twice before giving someone like Inagin any privileges
such as enemying again. If anyone would like to know the detailed
breakdown of how I came to this figure, I will gladly explain it to you.

Should my generous offer of reparation be refused, the consequences will
be something I cannot actually back up. An empty threat, much like
Celest threatening war on anyone. I'm sure we can work something out,

I will be expecting a response by the first day of Avechary 274, which
is just over one (1) year, twelve (12) months or three hundred (300)
days from now.

Rika Talnara

Penned by my hand on the 25th of Vestian, in the year 273 CE.

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