Written by: Kalin Disati
Date: Friday, August 6th, 2010
Addressed to: Jazella Ama'nar'isil, Beloved of Otem
Dear Jazella,
How are you this month? I hope your city is treating you as well as mine
is treating me.
I trust that your hopes for diplomatic relations with Gaudiguch are
still in earnest, because Gaudiguch has recently suffered an attack by
Celest, namely Malicia, Nydekion, and Inagin. This act traumatised many
of our citizens, who, as you should know, are a peaceful group, merely
seeking Enlightenment and Freedom for all of the Basin.
However, Freedom is a costly endeavour, and many times we find ourselves
lacking in resources that would better serve to make everyone Free and
happy. As such, we humbly ask for reparations of 20,000 power and 10
million gold for your brutish attack on our peaceful community.
If such reperations are not made, we shall certainly be upset,
distraught, and probably smoke some weed, we will also begin freeing
your Tide Lords of their shackles on a regular Basis.
Peace and Enlightenment be on you,
Mayor Kalin Disati
Penned by my hand on the 24th of Avechary, in the year 273 CE.