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Public News Post #1396

New Celest

Written by: Deacon Shaddus Mes'ard, Instrument of the Red Masque
Date: Thursday, August 19th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone

Ah, New Celest. How you make me smile at times, running around like
small children around a school playground. The bigger kids pushing down
the little kids, the Teachers are too busy enjoying their own
reflections in the mirror to watch the kids, and there's always that one
runt standing off to the side eating paste (That's Inagin).

I couldn't help but ponder how history has repeated itself yet again.
It's only been a few years since the Basin has rediscovered the Book of
Igaso, and we all read about how a group of Elders was thrown into the
Void for... what was it again? Ah yes, I remember now. They were thrown
into the Void for working to defend their allies and families, loved
ones and lovers. They were betrayed by those closest to them for the
simple sin of caring too much, of doing what was required in order to
protect those around them. The Elders who were left behind called them
the "Traitors", while those of us with common sense should call them
"The Saviours". They sacrificed of themselves to gain the power to slay
the Soulless, and were punished for it, mocked by those very Elders they
tried to protect.

And thus has New Celest come full circle much like the fool Meridian did
in ages past. Lawliet, one of the few in New Celest who actively worked
to defend her city, is thrown under the wagon for a minor offence not
once, but twice. Lawliet takes punishment from those who would cower in
their manses while Celestia is being attacked, and yet, she still
defends her home. Her city leaders revile her behind closed doors yet
they laud her when she keeps the city from burning down around their
ears. She worked tirelessly to improve her skills, giving her life again
and again in the persuit of power for New Celest, and yet..... New
Celest despised her, hated her. So Lawliet has left, tired of the abuse.
Does anyone blame her?

Azyurial: young, inspired to protect his home, hard working, dependable
to the last. One of the youngest Celestines to aspire to the rank of
Champion, Azyurial worked day in and day out to advance the idiocy of
the Light, and yet.... he is reviled for it. Hated for it. Those around
him snicker behind his back, and yet they cower in their homes while
enemies rage upon Celestia and Water, as he gives his life time and time
again to protect that which he holds dear. Is it any wonder Azyurial has
come to Magnagora, where those who work hard are actually rewarded and
not punished for the misdeed of "giving a damn"?

Those of you in New Celest say that Azyurial has betrayed the Light.
Instead, I say that the Light has betrayed Azyurial, has betrayed all of
you. A mishapen theory indeed, the Light would have you believe that
only those who worship it are worth "saving", or are "good". The "Light"
doesn't reward those who work hard for what they want, it instead
rewards those who belong to a certain family, or are pretty enough to
suit New Celest's leader's taste. Small wonder that those who defend
Celestia are often novices, while the city leaders stand on Prime
shouting orders from afar.

And so, New Celest, I offer you freedom. Throw off your shackles of this
False Light and join Magnagora. Those of you who are not of Merian,
Elfen, or Kephera stock can approach Magnagora where we will work with
you to cleanse your soul of this rampant idiocy perpetrated by those who
believe themselves above you. Rise above your current station and be
more powerful than you already are. Learn to defend that which you hold
dear, be rewarded for your hard work, be recognized for who you are. If
those in the Star Council don't care enough for you to help you defend
your home, pick a new one. Come to Magnagora. Come to Freedom.

Shaddus Mes'ard

Penned by my hand on the 21st of Dvarsh, in the year 274 CE.

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