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Public News Post #1403


Written by: Illuminated, Aleria Ama'rua-Zayah
Date: Monday, August 30th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone

I write this post today because I am truly appauled at how direspectful
some of the individuals in this clan have become. For months individuals
have been taking out the Hearth dropping it off at random realms
including god realms and leaving it. They have completely cleared out
the algontherine and used every bit of power on the ship for their own
personal gain.

The use of this ship is not a right, it's a privledge bestowed to us by
Raguel. He has been gracious enough to allow us full access to his ship
and some of you continue to abuse those privledges. It doesn't take
common sense to know that if the ship is parked anywhere other than the
aetherplex Raguel loses money. Yet time and time again you all have done
just that. Parked it where he can get no gold for his labors. He loses
enough gold just from us using his ship let alone when it is missing for
months on end.

Secondly, he already stated he wished no power to be drained from his
ship without express permission. Again you seem to think it's your right
to drain the ship's power to 0. It is not. And frankly I am personally
tired of having to use my hard earned power to fuel the ship because
other individuals dont care the effects on the rest of the clan or it's
owner. You may think you wont get caught because there are many of us in
this clan. However, I can tell you what can happen. I will speak to
Raguel about only allowing those that I know for a fact respect his ship
to be able to pilot it and use it. Then you can go violate someone elses

Raguel only has three rules. Do not drain power or algontherine from the
ship without express permission. Two no killing on people on his ship.
Three no parking the ship anywhere other than the aetherplex when you
are finished. If you cant respect those three small requests then quite
simply get out. We are not children. Learn to respect each other and
another person's property. That is all.

Aleria Ama'rua-Zayah

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Avechary, in the year 275 CE.

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