Mispost (Article 1406)
Written by: Aqua Adept Fuyu
Date: Tuesday, September 7th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
I am making this post to apologize for an error made regarding post
If anyone of you have seen it, you may have already realized that the
contents of the said article were not meant to be for the whole public.
Rest assured, though, the contents are not confidential - only that they
pertain to a certain group and it would be more appropriate to post it
to a more specific newsgroup (especially considering that it was labeled
as "for everybody). As it was, the said news article was erringly posted
in this news section
That being said, I apologize, again, for the mistake, and please do
ignore the contents if they not, in any way, affect you. Thank you!
Good tidings to everyone,
Aqua Adept Fuyu
Penned by my hand on the 25th of Estar, in the year 276 CE.