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Public News Post #1409

Time for Change

Written by: Viscount Hyde, Puppet to the Red Masque
Date: Saturday, September 11th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone

When Jigan first left Magnagora and I read his news post, I considered
it an afront. I was angry and displeased he would say such things, but
then I looked around and realize while his words were somewhat childish,
his goal selfish; overall the message he was getting across rang true.
Magnagora has changed, and not for the better. I don't say that lightly,
as this city has been my home for over a hundred years now. But bear
with me as I take a moment to observe the differences between the
Magnagora of today and the one of yesterday, perhaps it will spurn some
change in our stagnant little city.

The Magnagora I grew up in, the one I remember, was one of tough living.
Serfs, young ones, old ones, anyone who was anyone could have gotten
killed at any moment in the streets - with little more reason than back
talking or looking at someone of higher City or Guild rank funny. You
constantly had to watch your back, and while it may have been
detrimental to spurning our young ones to stay here, the ones that did
were better for it. Magnagora was a fighting city, one that had the best
fighters the realm over. That's no joke, either - our fighters were
feared across the basin, a group of five or more from other cities would
try to pull a raid, and the reply of just ONE Magnagoran was often
enough to scare them off. The same held true with one person causing a
ruckus with much higher strength than someone of our city, it wouldn't
matter if you were the 30th circle and they were a demigod. I've
literally seen it, I've done it before myself.. They ran at the sight
because they knew you grew up hard in this magnificent city. Nobody
messed with a Magnagoran unless they had real skills, or a significant
wish for death.

The Magnagora I knew back then was full of hate, rage and power. But not
simply for the sake of being hateful, or to rage against someone just
because. There was driving passion and reason behind it. There was a
sense of responsibility and a knowledge that drove it, knowledge of why
we attacked, why we defended; a real and true desire to create chaos.
Something this city now lacks, its' roots pulled up and tossed aside in
the crazy politics of the Basin. We've exchanged our ideals for a
failing move towards progress that saw us held back even more than if we
had just continued on as we always had in the past. We gave up our
hatred to provide understanding, and in reflection, lost our essence -
our very soul. We placed our citizens on restriction, don't do this,
don't do that. Don't yell at him because he's young, don't kill that one
because he's rude. Rules and restrictions on a city that once thrived on
death and destruction. Lord Fain's city, Lord Morgfyre's city, the city
that held in its iron grip nearly every free commune and independent
city this realm had to offer, a city of terror and strength. Constantly
changing, constantly growing and undulating forward. Changing but never
forgetting itself, until now.

There was another side to Magnagora back then too, while everyone knew
how to defend themselves, not everyone was dedicated to combat. We had
scholars, scientists, bards, playwrights.. I can remember the plays now,
wonderful shows; new ones almost weekly. Magnagora was not only extended
its' grip to the independent communes and cities, but held title to the
cultural center of the entire basin. A title we held with pride back
then, our famous library is famous for a reason. Our famous theater,
famous for a reason. Where has the passion for such arts gone that we
hardly see but a few plays in a year now? Where has the passion gone
that bards and scholars don't seek our city out with the passion they
used to, why isn't Magnagora whispered upon their breath in revery and
awe? I tell you why, because we've lost ourselves in this logic, this
structure and this bargaining. Magnagora was a city that used to seek
the riches of the world for it's people, and spread the benefit of the
taint to all at the same time. Now we sag, a sad shell of our former
glory. Our few dedicated scholars, playwrights working to the bone as
they should, but running out of ideas. Our bards and scholars losing
their edge, our library and stages losing their wonder.

Jiggan was right, I think, when he said that Our Lord Fain would be
disappointed. We've become lazy, we've learned to settle, to accept the
things that happen that we disagree with. It's time Magnagora get back
to its' roots, take the reins, and show this world why we were the best.
Why we ARE STILL the best. It's time to stop resting on our laurels,
they've stopped becoming a feared whisper and instead become a rumor.
This can hold no longer, our people are strong. It's time we stood up
and showed them again why they should FEAR our city. Why our people are
not to be trifled with! Join me in this effort, teach the young ones the
power of influence, bring them to assist in revolts.. Bring down the
whip upon those who dare to talk back to superior ranking people, bring
them to bear for their insolence and teach them respect and discipline.
The change must start within before it can be seen throughout. Tear
asunder these chains that have bound us and let us, together, bring
Magnagora back to the glory She once held, and if such glory can not be
obtained.. Let us cause as much destruction, pain, and death in the wake
as possible! Never back down in the face of adversity!

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Vestian, in the year 276 CE.

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