Aeonic Ageing Registry
Written by: Politburo Sergeant Aloysha La'Saet
Date: Monday, November 15th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
Greetings, comrades abroad!
In order to provide for the enforcement Subsection IV "Ageing Protocol"
of Governmental Peace Article III "Safety and Temporal Procedures", and
to prevent the possible denigration of the chrono-spatial structure of
the universe, the Time Sentinels and the Matrix Research Institute have
agreed to a joint effort to create a registry of aeonically aged and
deaged persons, to be maintained by the Ministry of Peace for
enforcement of Peace III-IV by the same. Individuals requesting further
information or copies of the related legal articles should contract the
Chief Superintendent of the Sentinel Company, the Execumatrix Magnificus
of the Institutional Society or the Ambassador of Hallifax.
The Ministry of Peace hereby requests that all aeonically aged or deaged
persons please submit, in signed letter or aetheric message, the
following information:
+Your full name, including surnames and any aliases.
+Your date of birth as seen in your HONORS records.
+Your current apparent age, ie the age that appears when your HONORS
records are checked.
+Your natural, unaltered aged, ie. the age you would be if you were not
aged at all.
+The degree of your ageing or deaging, ie. aged 12 years or deaged 6
+Your current citizenship and guild affliation, if any.
+Your current enemy status with Hallifax or lack thereof.
+The full name of the aeonicist who aged or deaged you, if known.
+The date and time of the ageing procedure, if known.
+Any compensation or other agreements related to the procedure.
Further, all aeonicists and individuals seeking ageing or deaging are
requested to submit the same information to the Ministry of Peace
whenever an aeonic ageing procedure is performed. The current maintainer
of the registry is Sergeant Aloysha La'Saet and all letters or messages
should be send to that person.
Failure to report instances of aeonic ageing, both those previously
performed and those to be performed in the future, will be considered to
be highly suspicious and cause for investigation into possible
violations of Peace Article II-XIII and can lead to felony charges if
the suspects are found guilty. We understand that certain individuals
may have kept poor records of their aeonic procedures in the past, but
that will not be considered to be an excuse for failure to comply to the
full extent that you are capable of. We thank you in advance for your
compliance with these requests.
-Sergeant Aloysha La'Saet of the Time Sentinels
Penned by my hand on the 22nd of Dvarsh, in the year 281 CE.