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Public News Post #1423

A nice little scavernger hunt and creative endeavor for ye--very time sensitive!

Written by: Tully, Janitor of the Basin
Date: Friday, November 19th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone

My Gnomish financial adviser says I have too much money and credits in
my mattress, so I have to get rid of some soon.

I have a little combination scavenger hunt/decathalon for all of ye.
There are three prizes.

First Prize: 100 Credits and 150,000 gold.
Second Prize: 25 Credits and 100,000 gold.
Third Prize: 10 Credits and 75,000 gold.

But to do it, in the words of a certain gnomish scholar, "You Have to
Earn it".

Get a pack, sack, or something similar and put all of the following in
it. Attention matters, I want ALL these items in their exact
amounts--for herbs/commidites bunch them up right!

Get one of each of the following to follow you.

These must appear with ye when ye come to claim ye prize.

Ye must make a public news post with a making fun of any of these boyos.

An active Demigod, An active Vernal Ascendant, or an active Elder God
(at ye own risk). Note, if ye already a Demigod or Ascendant ye written
victim must be an Elder. This can either be a limerick or a dozen's
insult. Read the footnote carefully.[1]

If ye don't know where there's a news area, go to Deepnight in the
Aetherplex and read the sign for directions at its fulcrux.

Once ye do all of this, ye must come to my location. I will be somewhere
on prime. I will have dropped a monolith sigil so no teleporting--ye
gotta walk. I will be on the ground, but there may be obsticles setup by
some helpers. (Don't worry, no demenses, maybe just some traps or

Ye will need to do the following once ye are there.

This is a time sensitive hunt/decathalon, so get cracking if ye want to

[1] OOC: See one of the following. (also )
[2] OOC: You have until 03:00 AM GMT. You don't get to me by then the
contest is shelved for a new one at a later date.

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Shanthin, in the year 281 CE.

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