Written by: Dysolis
Date: Friday, November 19th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
Hail to those of Gaudiguch
Recenetly I have made several death threats to your grand city of
Pyramid's and volcanos that I have felt I over reacted and had caused
great turmoil among your fair
citizens. I apologize to the Freedom Council, to Lady Kalikai and one of
my favoirte person's among the entire basin Iytha, I hope you all have
some reason to
forgive my actions because rage is not the way to express one's self.
When Gaudiguch is in peril I will be there to protect it's citizens from
invaders as I made
it my duty amongst my whole life to this ideal. Despite my last out
bursts I feel that I have changed and will continue to focus my energy
into something that is
more productive that will help make the basin of life grow. I can't
assure that this apology will change anything in the future but I hope
that it will have a
positive outlook for a brighter day.
Dysolis Heatherwood.
Penned by my hand on the 7th of Roarkian, in the year 281 CE.