Hall of Justice needs updating from the communities
Written by: Tully, Janitor of the Basin
Date: Monday, November 29th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
Hi all,
Many of ye know I've come out from retirement and have decided to spend
a little more time in a more or less semi-retired role. I have been
exploring all the various changes that have taken place over the last
several decades.
However, I am deeply concerned that, as one who has been away, I'm
trying to understand the various laws of the communities. So I visited
the Hall of Justice. It seems that we have a few problems, some lack of
First of all, there are no rooms for the returned cities. This probably
needs to be something some freelance gnomish builders need to work on. I
humbly suggest that these get added so our returned boyos can explain
their laws. This will be especially important for Hallifax, as I suspect
they have multiple volumes of laws and I don't want to end up in the
gaol for some misunderstanding.
Furthermore, I notice that Glomdoring's pillar is still blank. Now, I
understand that the Shadow Court is very guarded and introspective by
nature, and I don't expect ye to tell us everything about ye commune,
but ye have become a mighty empire over the last several decades, and I
think ye owe it to all ye villages and their inhabitants that ye have
taken under ye wing (the pun was not intended, but I wish I had thought
of it) and let us all know what ye expect outsiders to know about ye
laws. Something tells me if ye can't write down these laws, than these
villages might end up thinking twice before letting themselves become a
part of ye mighty empire. So I humbly suggest a least a minimum number
of laws should be written up just so we know how to behave when we visit
ye commune or any of ye villages.
In any event, just some suggestions from one of the people who isn't a
politician, but one who is affected by the politics of the basin.
Penned by my hand on the 1st of Juliary, in the year 282 CE.