Extra! Extra! Paladin Honour called into question!
Written by: Probable Prelate Person Kalas Iytha, Supremely Superior Sorceller
Date: Saturday, December 4th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
In a recent interview with New Celestian Grand Inquisitioner Gadritan
Sar'Alainn on the recent events in Hallifax, the paladin, a man of
alleged honor and virtue, was quoted as saying, "Oh I dunno[sic], I
don't really make it my business to see whats going on outside
Celest[sic]. When one of their hair-brained experiments goes into my
territory, I'll snap its neck and devour it. Til than[sic], they can
blow their mountain up if they want." He went on to say "I'm already
enemied to just about everything on the planet for my crusades, what
more damage can I do?" after being pressed about his violent behaviour
and explained that, "In Gaudiguchian[sic] standards, I would be a
hedonist. I'm a predator, I live from one meal to another. I live to
eat, and everyone is food. Sadly the food suirms[sic], and must be
stabbed first."
At this point Gadritan proclaimed that he intended to go steal a copy of
the Gossip from one of our fine readers in order to get around having to
pay the price of subscription, saying that he didn't expect to be caught
because, "Well, I'll be discreet[sic]. Their is no perfect defense, no
perfect spy, no perfect hiding spot. Everything has flaws."
It makes one wonder how it is that such a violent, cannibalistic,
hedonistic, and audacious robber managed to become not only a Chosen of
the Light, and the Grand Inquisitior of the Paladins, but a Chaplain of
Raziela bearing the most sacred of Paladin Honours. This author doesn't
know, and shall, instead, leave it to the Paladins to explain this
apparent contradiction.
Penned by my hand on the 23rd of Estar, in the year 283 CE.