Joining the Ninjakari
Written by: Sohei Kalas Vaun, of the Despondent Faith
Date: Sunday, December 5th, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
To the mortals whom roam the basin:
I write to the basin today for a proposal only meant for those of whom
live with the strength enough to open their eyes, ears and mind. To
those of whom live without purpose, meaning, or direction in their
lives, who wander aimlessly within their communes or cities, wait no
longer. Today is the day we extend to you an offer. Join Magnagora and
the Tainted and become one with true strength. Find your way into the
shadows of the Ninjakari guild where we look not upon worthless values
or blinding lies, but rather see the world for how it truly is and use
that to our advantage. Subtlety. Grace. Empowerment. All these and more
define the Ninjakari.
In order to empower those of whom are ready to finally take that step
into the brotherhood, the Ninjakari guild is extending a very generous
offer. To those of whom were blinded and have offended our brothers the
Illithoid, we may assist you in becoming unenemied to both the
Illithoids and the Ninjakai guild so that you may have the chance to
stand amongst us when you may otherwise have not. In order to take
advantage of this offer, show your strength and speak to either myself,
Sohei Sahmiam, or Sohei Malarious.
Blessings of the Chain,
Sohei Kalas Vaun
Penned by my hand on the 1st of Kiani, in the year 283 CE.