Clan Proposal
Written by: ur'Tactician Glevich Mastvin, Corporal in the Army
Date: Tuesday, December 21st, 2010
Addressed to: Everyone
~From the office of the Power Minister, Glevich Mastvin~
Hail Council and those concerned,
I am standing before you today to propose an announcement about helping
to get the Power Ministry a bit more organized. I've seen in the past
that we've had those overdraw, and not repay back, but more than one in
a single weave. I myself am only one person and cannot keep tabs on each
person in the city as much as I would like to. Myself, and Tesla
d'Murani have came up with this idea of breaking into Committees. Each
committee has an explanation (below) that will describe what is needed
of each person of the ministry. It will allow us to better ourselves,
not only as a city, but with this one cog working properly in uniform
with the rest, we shall once again rule the basin like the Taint needs
to. I merely ask the Council that I get approved to have funds for a
clan. The clan will have detailed help scrolls for each committee,
ensuring their jobs are done correctly, as well as a scroll for a copy
of the Power Laws to be posted, to unsure the laws are being executed.
Now, if we could discuss the matter, so that, if voted for, I can begin
to get things set up immediately. I would also like feed back on the
committees if there are any concerns, or praises that need to be done.
Thanks for you time and consideration,
ur'Tactician Glevich Mastvin - Power Minister
(This part is just a little breakdown of the job)
Power Ministry Committees
qSeers of Power
1.Organize power contests
2.Keep Track of power records
qKeepers of the Megalith
1.update laws
2.add/delete previous laws
3.keep the laws carried out
qAether Guardians
1.Keeps track of manse links and unlinks
2.Works with the Manse Laws maintains/upholds
qEmpowerers of Transformation
1.Have a 500 power donation semi-annually
2.Encourage others to donate
3.Lead Power Hunts/ Quests
(Here is the full description)
High Empowerer:
Empowerers of Transformation
This committee will deal with all functions of gathering power for the
Megalith of Doom, Lead by the High Empowerer, whom above all will govern
the Committee reporting to the Minister of power him/herself. They will
also deal directly with the Great Seer (Head of the Seers committee)
when contests are going above their normal requirements, and are not
just considered donations. All Empowerers must donate a semi-annual
amount of 500 power into the Megalith. This ensures that our cogs never
falter, or our power never runs dry. Any member of this committee
wishing to participate in a Seer run event must be up to date on his/her
power income. Any member not fulfilling power in come will be reported
first to a member of the Grand Seer, and upon the second year of failing
at bringing in the amount of power the person will be relived of active
duty from the committee and brought under investigation to the Keepers.
If the Keepers feel this is in err, they will be restored to full active
status upon completing double the amount of power for the coming year.
Failing in this they will be brought under another investigation and
either suspended from the Committee or possibly removed from the
committee and/or aide all together.
True Keeper: Glevich Mastvin
Keepers of the Megalith-
This committee is dedicated to maintaining and enforcing the power laws
as they stand, as well as any laws that might need to be added. People
from this committee -must- have the power laws memorized, as well as
learn to commit any additions to the laws where needed. This committee
handles any person who is to be unblocked save for initial unblocking.
Those who wish to apply for ration alterations will have their
application put in from of the Keepers for approval. They handle all
matters pertaining to power coming in and going out, they may suggest
favours at will to the power minister, along with the Seers, any person
that is suggested to the power minister will be put under watch, if they
should continue or their work warrant it, they may be favoured upon the
Ministers discression. The Power Minister will always be the True
Keeper. They will keep track of Project 12.
Grand Seer:
Seers of Transformation-
The Great Seer is the Head of this committee, he/she is to be the most
active in keeping record of the powerlogs, watching for irregularities
and keeping up with active Events for power contests and the like. This
is the primary concern of the Seers of Transformation. They will give
suggestion to the power minister people to favour or watch carefully.
The Grand Seer will be put in charge of Project 54, which is where the
power report will be added for the power contests.
Tainted Aether Guardian:
The guardian's sole responsibility is to handle connections and
disconnections based on power income and donations to the city. They
will keep track of all upcoming connections and requested connections,
while also ensuring that all things are in place to protect Magnagora
from Manse not following the connection laws. There will only be one
person in this ministry as there is not much to be done. A list of all
manses connected will be given to the TAG, for him/her to keep track of.
The TAG is going to be put in charge of Project 35, now known as
Penned by my hand on the 16th of Avechary, in the year 284 CE.