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Public News Post #1702

First Official Summit of the Basin

Written by: Wyrden Snare Sedanas, Fist of the Agile
Date: Thursday, July 2nd, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings, reader! Thank you for taking the time to read my post. I will
try to keep this brief and to the point, as the real essence and
discussion of our meeting will have to occur in person.

I am Sedanas, a Viscanti, and my goal is to "Unite" our Basin on the
road to peace and understanding. I walk our roads every day, and pass
through every nook and cranny. From Celest to Magnagora, through the
Deserts of Skarch, and to the nothern mountains, I have met every manner
of person. It seems, in some way or another, there are bitter issues
between people, organizations, Forests, and Cities in general. I have
made friends, friends of great worth, friends care, and friends who
would even die for me, even though I would never dream in a thousand
years of asking such things of them. People like these who truly care
for others from the very depths of their soul, but still hate and detest
opposing factions for the most broad of reasons. It worries me when I
look at our beautiful Basin in such turmoil, and with larger threats
looming ahead, I want to bring us together to discuss and resolve our
great issues between organizations.

And this brings me to our great Summit, -upon the summit-, so to speak!
On the 10th of Klangiary beginning at high noon, I will be hosting this
summit in the Great Library, with the gracious permission of Weeky
Peedia. I would like to see at least 2 representatives of each
organization show up and lay their issues with the other representatives
on the table. I hope misunderstandings will be resolved, and agreements
will be made amongst everyone who shows up. If no one shows up from a
certain organization, then your actions speak as loud as your words
would have, and we will continue either way. Both Weeky and I wish to
keep things peaceful, so all weapons and catalysts should be put away
during our conference, and we will all speak in turns to keep things
civil. There will also be free food, which I know is already enough to
draw in some of you! All in all I can only hope that progress will be

Thank you for your consideration, and taking the time to read this post.
I hope to see you all there!

Penned by my hand on the 10th of Dvarsh, in the year 416 CE.

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