Sorry I've been away...getting old stinks!
Written by: Tully, Janitor of the Basin
Date: Monday, November 23rd, 2015
Addressed to: Everyone
Hi Boyos,
Sadly, this cycle I've been away for such a long time. It's a
combination of old age and some sickness I've been feeling. I'm not a
spry 100 year old Dwarf anymore. If any of ye miss me, I apologize if ye
haven't seen me of late.
Sadly, this time around, I haven't been able to schedule a feast like I
did the last few times when this astronomical cycle comes around. If I
have any time, I'll see if I can whip up some Turkey sandwiches and send
them to ye, but sadly I can't guarantee it.
Ye know, I must be some kind of nitwit for saying this, but I really
miss all the adventures some of us had together
Be well!
Penned by my hand on the 7th of Estar, in the year 428 CE.