Written by: Talan Ysav'rai
Date: Wednesday, December 16th, 2015
Addressed to: Aelish, the Creator
Grand idea, sir! I think we should be grateful to these High Gods and
obediently hand over such responsibilities to them. What city and/
or commune leader has not wished countless times that she had the
determination and stamina of a God? This is a dream come true!
Lord Aelish is right. This is not the time for us to be worrying about
utterly mundane aspects of government. If the High Gods are offering,
can we really justify refusing to let them take on the pointless
kerfuffles and petty squabbles? The bickering? The problem children?
Saying nothing of dealing with upcoming events and issues, the woeful
understatements, the grand exaggerations, the worries and concerns of
cautious old people, the education and guidance of the young, the
knotty problems, the price of produce, the jobs and appointments, the
egos, the readiness, the updating and information dissemination, the
reserve supplies, the soundings, the balancing of rivalries, the
soothing of tempers...
Does anyone really want to keep up with all that? It can be too much.
I didn't even mention the hearing and fulfillment of all the requests,
sending tasks on to their proper ministers, reading and parsing the
treaties, soliciting opinions, and safeguarding fairness. Who can
really keep up with all of this properly except the High Gods? Not us,
as we have shown. However, this is not to say that we mortals should
carelessly abandon all of our duties. A good friend has reminded me
that responsibility is the cost of true Freedom.
Thus, it will become our role to convey our needs and concerns to the
High Gods. Every problem in reality or in potentia must be thoroughly
elucidated in detail. Neglecting any issue, no matter how small or
mundane, would be a failing on our part as mortals.
I will embrace this new order with glee!
Penned by my hand on the 15th of Shanthin, in the year 429 CE.