A correction
Written by: Chaplain of the Damned, Marcella n'Lochli, Black Fist of Urlach
Date: Wednesday, July 4th, 2018
Addressed to: Lord Marshal Kreon Zayah, Celestial Emissary
Lord Marshal Zayah,
In the interest of Truth, as the Megalith was renamed such by the Dark Saviour to signify that it was now True that those who stood against our people were Doomed, I must reiterate publically that what you call 'ravaging Faethorn' of its knights by Magnagorans was I, alone, defending myself against fae combatants - for are they not Knights? - attacking me in the name of Night during the New Moon. I tire of this being used as an example of some kind of treachery when I'm rather certain that even Serens assaulted by Night-bound fae kill them in combat, such as a Shadowdancer's entourage.
Also, if you're so interested in avoiding anything Tainted or abominable, quit eating sparkleberries and prepare to slay Estarra for being composed partly of Magnora.
Black Fist of Urlach Marcella n'Lochli, the Chaplain of the Damned
Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Urlachmar, in the year 506 CE.