The Greyside Book Club: Session Two
Written by: Gilded Lady Arae Villarreal, Architect of Dominion
Date: Saturday, April 15th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone
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Is proud to announce the next iteraton of
of the Basin-wide event:
+ The Book of the Year +
A journal on the Ascension of Dionamus the Healer.
[01] "The Diary of Tamthys the Sculptress", by Tamthys the Sculptress.
Location: This book may be found within the bookshelf of aethermanse GREYSB.
[1] You may request a personal copy.
[2] You may assist the ship captain of the Kelpie Maiden within the Inner Sea and complete the task they set forth.
+ Where will we meet? +
The second meeting will be in aethermanse GREYSB, north of the shop in "a picturesque picnic spot abreast the seaside".
+ When is the second meeting? +
21st of Klangiary, year 647
+ Questions or Suggestions? +
Please direct all questions or suggestions to Arae via aethers, mail or messages and I will respond as soon as I am able.
[This document has been signed with the imprint of an ivory feathered quill lying crossways with a paintbrush whose tip has been dipped in a prism of rainbow paint.]
Penned by my hand on the 9th of Tzarin, in the year 646 CE.