Unknown2009-05-19 14:39:25
QUOTE (Xenthos @ May 19 2009, 10:16 AM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Both were around at the start, actually.
Though Malicia usually doesn't QQ in the middle of a fight, so may have been a bad-timing thing on her end. Was 11PM EST, so quite possible.
Though Malicia usually doesn't QQ in the middle of a fight, so may have been a bad-timing thing on her end. Was 11PM EST, so quite possible.
Very likely, I was at the very beginning of it then I finished watching my Tivo and got ready for bed.
Unknown2009-05-19 16:30:10
Point is, there were at least some people who could have lessened the impact but chose not to. I am sure they're only e-constructs and they don't really matter, but I find excuses like this similar to ones where wiccans complain about toads escaping when they don't put up icewalls.
Kharvik2009-05-19 16:37:20
There comes a point when you've lost a battle and accept defeat. From watching deathsight and the few Celest clans I happen to be in, it seemed to me this battle was lost before it began. When a city says to its citizens to not lean pool or you'll instantly die to a zerg team of ascendants and demigods, then you know it's game over.
Unknown2009-05-19 16:41:31
No excuses were made about last night. I could care less where the protectors were or that our constructs were destroyed. I was only adding a PoV from Celest since that was missing.
However, if citizens want to activate the constructs, then they should be able to regardless of protector status. Just my two cents.
However, if citizens want to activate the constructs, then they should be able to regardless of protector status. Just my two cents.
Yiro2009-05-19 17:45:21
I agree that anybody should be able to operate a construct, but perhaps make it by a minimal CR? Like must be CR3 to pilot construct or whatever.
Druken2009-05-19 18:09:11
Every nation doesn't need to have almost enough power (or more than enough) to raise another Ascendant at whim, either. The idea that power loss is a factor is moot when you consider the fact that people have spilled into the millions. Or two millions.
Anisu2009-05-19 19:26:12
QUOTE (Yiro @ May 19 2009, 07:45 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I agree that anybody should be able to operate a construct, but perhaps make it by a minimal CR? Like must be CR3 to pilot construct or whatever.
why? Any protector and security can operate them, so if nobody is around you should bother your champions for more protectors and security.
I still find it to much coddling that they dropped from constructs being destroyed completely to this having to reactivate. Constructs are signs of power, and obviously the cities are not a force to be reckonened with at this moment.
And we all coped before those things existed anyway.
Unknown2009-05-19 19:40:00
Re: Construct dependency
I break into an old man's house and wreck his washing machine. He should harden up and go wash his clothes in the river like he used to back in the day.
I break into an old man's house and wreck his washing machine. He should harden up and go wash his clothes in the river like he used to back in the day.
Celina2009-05-19 19:48:15
QUOTE (Rainydays @ May 19 2009, 02:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Re: Construct dependency
I break into an old man's house and wreck his washing machine. He should harden up and go wash his clothes in the river like he used to back in the day.
I break into an old man's house and wreck his washing machine. He should harden up and go wash his clothes in the river like he used to back in the day.
It's more like you broke his deluxe, two in one washer/dryer with internet access and he has to go back to using the normal one.
Constructs are just buffs to various things.
Unknown2009-05-19 19:58:05
QUOTE (Anisu @ May 19 2009, 03:26 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
why? Any protector and security can operate them, so if nobody is around you should bother your champions for more protectors and security.
If nobody is around, then it's too late to do anything about it, but this isn't the main/only reason why our constructs were destroyed. I'm just bringing this up because the inequity of construct privileges seems harmful to the organization in the long run.
Shamarah2009-05-19 20:31:05
QUOTE (Rainydays @ May 19 2009, 03:40 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Re: Construct dependency
I break into an old man's house and wreck his washing machine. He should harden up and go wash his clothes in the river like he used to back in the day.
I break into an old man's house and wreck his washing machine. He should harden up and go wash his clothes in the river like he used to back in the day.
I'm revoking your analogy license.
Unknown2009-05-19 20:55:01
QUOTE (Celina @ May 19 2009, 07:48 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
It's more like you broke his deluxe, two in one washer/dryer with internet access and he has to go back to using the normal one.
Constructs are just buffs to various things.
Constructs are just buffs to various things.
And in 1930, an electric washer was an amazing and opulent luxury that any normal person certainly had little use for. It's always relative. I mean, we could technically all live like the Amish, instead of being spoiled by all this needless luxury.
Which is why assigning something somebody lost to a "luxury they obviously don't need and are spoiled to complain about losing" is sort of a silly thing to do. Because it's always going to have an extent of relativity- at least so long as there is an aspect of real utility to it.
Unless you're Amish. Playing Lusternia. Which would make you the worst Amish ever.
QUOTE (Shamarah @ May 19 2009, 08:31 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm revoking your analogy license.
Then I will continue to make analogies without one. Like a person with out an analogy lisence who makes analogies.
Dakkhan2009-05-19 21:12:45
passive aggressive posts are like a punch without knuckles
Druken2009-05-19 23:22:11
Random, but this is what I pictured when Glomdoring left the Celest nexus world:


Unknown2009-05-19 23:44:06
QUOTE (Druken @ May 19 2009, 04:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
Random, but this is what I pictured when Glomdoring left the Celest nexus world:


I pictured an angry Aquamancer with a mop trying to clean up all of the wyrd and construct debris.
Unknown2009-05-19 23:48:34
1. Akui's analogy sucks.
2. I'd agree and say that more people should be able to operate constructs. Keep colossi limited to Protector/Security, but allow anyone over CR3 (or whatever) to operate constructs. Defense shouldn't require the presence of a few select people.
2. I'd agree and say that more people should be able to operate constructs. Keep colossi limited to Protector/Security, but allow anyone over CR3 (or whatever) to operate constructs. Defense shouldn't require the presence of a few select people.
Narsrim2009-05-20 01:13:18
I'm really quite amused by this thread.
As I recall, Estarra posted at some point that it shouldn't be possible to nuke a construct (let alone 4) in a single weakening. This was, as I understood it, independent of anyone defending them whatsoever largely because the randomness of the times make it very difficult for people who work and go to school to be around 24/7. I don't care what time the construct weakening is if I have a test the next day - I'm not going to be here at odd hours when I need to be sleeping.
I really don't see what Shuyin and several other people's points are. I read them to be as follows: If person X or Y had used grace, he or she could have potentially saved 1-2 constructs. This of course would be quite moot because 2 of them would still be down, and the other 2 would still be massively weakened for round 2. Would buying time to prevent the inevitable at this point really matter?
This all being said, I really am waiting for the administration to make their move as I think a lot of people in Celest are. I rather lack the time or energy to fix the administration's event generated problems (starting with Raziela being sucked into Muud, Raziela being bound, involving a handful of indecisive people to try and fix her in turn allowing an organized coalition to strike, etc). Celest is really in a shitty position at the moment, and while I'm opt to blame the incompetent few that were involved in seeing this happen, I think deep down that this entire series of issues all stemmed from that stupid Raziela event where Celest had no real say whatsoever as we were faced off against Magnagora/Glomdoring/Serenwilde all at once.
I'm just not impressed with the administrative concession of throwing us Magnagora as an ally and expecting it to do any real good when Magnagora and Celest combined are simply smaller in number and skill at the moment than Serenwilde and Glomdoring. But we'll see. I'm not losing sleep over trying to fix their mess. I'm not even trying, and I've detached myself from caring. Malicia has largely done the same. Desitrus has done this, and I think most of Celest that gives a damn at this point are people who cannot do a single thing to fix the problems.
As I recall, Estarra posted at some point that it shouldn't be possible to nuke a construct (let alone 4) in a single weakening. This was, as I understood it, independent of anyone defending them whatsoever largely because the randomness of the times make it very difficult for people who work and go to school to be around 24/7. I don't care what time the construct weakening is if I have a test the next day - I'm not going to be here at odd hours when I need to be sleeping.
I really don't see what Shuyin and several other people's points are. I read them to be as follows: If person X or Y had used grace, he or she could have potentially saved 1-2 constructs. This of course would be quite moot because 2 of them would still be down, and the other 2 would still be massively weakened for round 2. Would buying time to prevent the inevitable at this point really matter?
This all being said, I really am waiting for the administration to make their move as I think a lot of people in Celest are. I rather lack the time or energy to fix the administration's event generated problems (starting with Raziela being sucked into Muud, Raziela being bound, involving a handful of indecisive people to try and fix her in turn allowing an organized coalition to strike, etc). Celest is really in a shitty position at the moment, and while I'm opt to blame the incompetent few that were involved in seeing this happen, I think deep down that this entire series of issues all stemmed from that stupid Raziela event where Celest had no real say whatsoever as we were faced off against Magnagora/Glomdoring/Serenwilde all at once.
I'm just not impressed with the administrative concession of throwing us Magnagora as an ally and expecting it to do any real good when Magnagora and Celest combined are simply smaller in number and skill at the moment than Serenwilde and Glomdoring. But we'll see. I'm not losing sleep over trying to fix their mess. I'm not even trying, and I've detached myself from caring. Malicia has largely done the same. Desitrus has done this, and I think most of Celest that gives a damn at this point are people who cannot do a single thing to fix the problems.
Shaddus2009-05-20 01:21:06
Know what we really need?
Serenwilde vs Celemagdoring.
Serenwilde vs Celemagdoring.
Xenthos2009-05-20 01:22:41
QUOTE (Narsrim @ May 19 2009, 09:13 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
I'm really quite amused by this thread.

Narsrim2009-05-20 01:29:17
QUOTE (Xenthos @ May 19 2009, 09:22 PM) <{POST_SNAPBACK}>
And here I was trying to help you all.
You were, and it is appreciated. However a lot of people (Shuyin, for example), really seized upon this thread to make silly interjections to justify that 4 constructs fell in a single weakening when it wasn't supposed to be possible/probable/likely to nuke 1 in a single weakening. I think this is so silly, it's laughable.
I personally could care less, but I suppose because I was sleeping, two people screwed up and didn't delay two constructs destruction, Celest as a whole should lose 100k power and 4 constructs in a what... 1 hour time frame? This so ridiculous, I'm not even sure how I would care if I wanted to care. When that much damage can be done in such a short period of time, why bother?