
Teleportation: Room 1 - Room 4

Room 1 Teleport

Short: a black door
Long: A black door sits on the western wall.
Extended: The door sitting on the western wall is very tall, occupying almost the entire height of the wall. It has been painted a uniform black.

Access: Memembers of the Fanciful Family only.

Trigger: PUSH DOOR

1p Teleport: You push open the black door and slink through the narrow opening, close it carefully behind you, and behold a whole new locale.
3p Departure: PERSON pushes open the black door and slinks through the narrow opening. 
3p Arrival: PERSON slinks in through a crack in the black doors and closes it carefully once through.

Room 4 Teleport

Short: a green door
Long: A green door sits on the eastern wall.
Extended: The door sitting on the eastern wall is very tall, occupying almost the entire height of the wall. It has been painted a forest green.

Access: Anyone.

Trigger: PULL DOOR

1p Teleport: You push open the green door and slink through the narrow opening, close it carefully behind you, and behold a whole new locale.
3p Departure: PERSON pushes open the green door and slinks through the narrow opening. 
3p Arrival: PERSON slinks in through a crack in the green doors and closes it carefully once through.