Creating a room is much easier than creating a mobile or item in terms of the number of things to worry about.


A room will be created that will be the basename of your Orb (which a building lead admin must set), plus a number. For instance, if you were creating Skarch, then most your Orb's basename will be set to Skarch. The first room you created would be called Skarch1, the second Skarch2, etc. This is known as the godname of the room. Normally, mortals do not see this.

Before you begin creating rooms for your area, you will need to SET ORB AREA <area name>. You must be given permission to create rooms in a particular area.

If most of your rooms are going to be of a specific environment, you may want to SET ORB ENVIRONMENT <environment type> (see HELP ENVIRONMENTS for a list of them). This will ensure that all the rooms that you create have this environment. Remember to change the environment whereappropriate though.

Once you've created a room, you will need to give it a brief description and a verbose description. To do give it a brief description (title), do: REDIT <room name> SET BRIEF_DESC <room title>

Words in room titles should _not_ be capitalized, except for the first letter of the first word, and any proper nouns. For example, instead of:

In Front Of A Doorway

we prefer:

in front of a doorway

Once you have set the title, you will want to set the room description. To do this, do:

REDIT <room> SET VERBOSE_DESC <Full sentences desc.>

If you use EDIT instead of SET, you will be taken into the Lusternia Composer (which you'll be familiar with, as it is used to compose news articles also) to write the description. Just type *save when you are finished, and it will make whatever you wrote the verbose description.

After you've got the descriptions in, you may need to set other things on the room (most commonly, the indoors flag.. REDIT <room> SET INDOORS 1.) For a list of things that can be set, see HELP ROOMPROPERTIES.