Each of the cities and communes in Lusternia has a post office, often located near the bank. You will first need a mailable item, which you can purchase from bookbinders or shops they stock. The following things can be mailed, also see HELP BOOKBINDING ITEMS: o letters o invitations o envelopes (can hold 2 items) o action origami (can hold 1 item) o modular origami (can hold 25 items) While in a post office, the following things can be done: WRITE <letter/stationery/invitation> Compose a letter or invitation. Note that you must be at full health and mana to write a letter. You will also need to be seated on a chair at a desk and chair, which may be in the post office or nearby; ask your city or communemates if you do not see it. MAIL <item> TO <person> [REGISTERED] Address and mail a letter to whomever it is for. The item you are mailing must have at least 12 months left until decay. If it does not, you can register the mail for 100 gold so the post office handles it more carefully. Undelivered mail will be returned after 12 months. PRESERVE <letter/invitation> FOR <x> MONTHS: For 500 gold per Lusternian month specified, preserve a letter or invitation from decay for the duration. Additional things you can do with mail: PUT <item> IN <envelope/origami> To place contents you wish to mail inside a container. CHAR <letter/stationery> Provided you have a source of fire with you, such as a tinderbox, you can partially char a letter or stationery, which will cause bits and pieces of it to become unreadable. This can be done multiple times. OPEN/CLOSE <envelope/origami> Envelopes and origami must be closed for them to be mailed, and may be opened by the recipient. You may also stamp either with a seal to close it - see AB BOOKBINDING STAMP for more information.