As much as our help file system documents, it will never even approach fully covering everything there is to know in Lusternia, as much of that knowledge is player-created and ever-changing. In order to facilitate the passing of information from older players to younger players, and to assist in the creation of a culture within these organizations, cities, guilds, clans and Orders can create organizational helpfiles. In guilds, the GL and any position invested with the 'ghelp' privilege can edit and delete. In Clans, it is the clan head or any clan member appointed to a rank invested with the 'recorder' privilege. In Orders, only the God or Goddess and those given the Order privilege are able to modify files. GENERAL COMMANDS ---------------- CITYHELP EDIT <file name> - Can be done by ruling council, and any Minister. Creates or edits a help file with that name. Editors can embed MXP links by surrounding text with LINK(), e.g. "The LINK(LOOK) command will let you see what is in a room." - "LOOK" will become an MXP link for the look command for players with MXP enabled. Note that the LINK syntax is case-sensitive. CITYHELP DELETE <filename> - Can be done by ruling council, and any Minister. Deletes a help file with that name. CITYHELP [INDEX] - Shows you an index of city help files. CITYHELP <file name> - Shows you a particular city help file. The syntaxes for the other organizations are the same, except the root verb is: COMMUNEHELP, GUILDHELP, CLANHELP or ORDERHELP. GROUPING -------- You may also put helpfiles into groups using the following syntaxes: CHELP GROUP CREATE <name> CHELP GROUP <group> SET <variable> <value> CHELP GROUP <group> DELETE CHELP GROUP <group> ADD <file> CHELP GROUP <group> REMOVE <file> CHELP GROUP <group> PERMS LIST CHELP GROUP <group> PERMS SET <permission> CHELP GROUP <group> PERMS REMOVE <permission> LINKING ------- You may include links to other helpfiles in an organizational helpfile using the following formatting: [(cmd)] - Same as LINK(cmd), for specifying a command to be run when clicked [<helpfile>] - Links to a helpfile by name [[helpfile]] - Links to an orghelp file in the same org by name [!skill|ability!] - Links to an AB by name