Descended from the Elder God Aslarn, the aslarans are a race of feline-like humanoids. They have an affinity to open plains and are excellent hunters. Some males grow great manes. The colour of their fur ranges from light beige to more tawny browns. Several branches of aslaran are known to sport stripes or spots. Their natural speed make them excel in any physical profession.

Languages: Aslari, Common.


  o  Level 1: 2/2 health regeneration when in all natural outdoor areas.

  o  Level 25: 2/4 resistance to cold damage.

  o  Level 50: Increased movement speed in all areas.

  o  Demigod: Ability: Pursuit. The player can PURSUE to focus on a single target, 
              should they leave the room the player will follow, pouncing after the target and 
              knocking them down as a free action. This will only work on movements that 
              end up in an adjacent room. Once fired, this ability cannot be reused for 
              five seconds.

  o  Demigod+: Improved Ability: Pursuit now stuns the target for 2 seconds.