OVERHAUL NOTE: This helpfile will be updated with any further changes to curing and announced via changelog.
You may also see AFFS LIST, AFFS INFO, CURES LIST, and CURES INFO for more information. These will be always the most up to date.
Essential Curatives
Potions/Salves (action) effect
BROMIDE: (drink) restores ego
HEALING: (drink) restores health, cures 1 burst vessel / sip
(apply) blindness
LUCIDITY SLUSH (drink) epilepsy, paranoia, sensitivity, confusion, recklessness, hallucinations, clumsiness, stupidity, addiction, anorexia, temporaryinsanity, ataxia, and allergies.
MANA: (drink) restores mana
RESTORATIVEICE (apply) damagedthroat, damagedskull, damagedleftarm, damagedrightarm, mutilatedleftarm, mutilatedrightarm, damagedleftleg, damagedrightleg, mutilatedleftleg, mutilatedrightleg, crushedchest, collapsedlung, internalbleeding, damagedorgans, burns (1st-4th degree burns), and ablaze (being on fire).
PURITYDUST: (eat) paralysis, haemophilia, powersap, scabies, dysentery, pox, rigormortis, vomiting, sickening, asthma, clot, relapsing (thin blood), frozen, shivering, blind, deathmark, asthenia, particulates, frostbite, and infestation.
SOOTHINGSTEAM (smoke) egovice, manabarbs, achromaticaura, powerspikes, disloyalty, pacifism, luminosity, aeon, healthleech, slickness, timewarp, jinx, warpedaura, deaf, cloudcoils, and holyfire.
Useful Curatives And Defensive Aides
CHERVIL: (eat) clots blood
[Healing Category: Blood Clots]
KAFE: (eat) special: Kafe gives alertness
[Healing Category: Sleep Disorders]
MERBLOOM: (eat) gives insomnia
SPARKLEBERRY: (eat) burst vessels, restores health, mana and ego
FIRE: (drink) frozen, cold resistance
FROST: (drink) gives fire resistance
GALVANISM: (drink) gives electric resistance
LOVE: (drink) Special: Compels one or cures being compelled to find love.
ALLHEALE: (drink) Special: Cures almost any random affliction including blackout.
SCRUB / CLEANSE: deathmark (level 2+), mud, sap, stench
CONCENTRATE: disrupted
WAKE: asleep
WRITHE: crucified, entangled, grappled, impaled, transfixed
Auto Expire (Timed) bentaura, concussion, echoes, ectoplasm, succumb, festering eye