A 'level' is a measure of experience, which you get from performing quests, or slaying people and animals. When you type SCORE, you will see what level you are, as well as a name for that level. There are 100 levels in Lusternia, and they get progressively more difficult to achieve as you attain higher and higher levels.

Any time you gain a level, you will receive lessons in the amount depending on your level. Anytime you lose a level, you will lose 5 lessons. See HELP LESSONS for more information. When obtaining certain levels for the first time, you will also gain a number of Bound Credits and Wonder Crystals. See HELP CREDITS for information on Bound Credits and how you can use them, and HELP WONDERITEMS for the use of Wonder Crystals.

Lesson Gain Per Level
Level  1-20 -  25 lessons
Level 21-40 -  50 lessons
Level 41-60 -  75 lessons
Level 61-80 - 100 lessons
Level 81-90 - 125 lessons
Level 91-99 - 150 lessons
Level   100 - 300 lessons

Wonder Crystal Gain Per Level
You will gain a Wonder Crystal at the following levels: 10, 15, 20, 25, 30, 35, 40, 45, 50, 55, 60, 65, 70, 75, 80, 85, 90, 95, 99, 100. Together you will gain 20 Wonder Crystals from levelling alone.

Bound Credit Gain Per Level

Level Amount
----- ------
7          5
10         6
15         7
20         8
25         9
30        10
35        11
40        12
45        13
50        14
55        15
60        16
65        17
70        18
75        19
80        20
85        21
90        22
95        23
100       25

Further, as you progress in the hierarchy of levels, your shouting voice will change and grow more powerful. When you reach level 80, your need for sleep will completely disappear.

Upon reaching level 99, you will transform into a mighty Titan, granting you new powers and extra health. Should you push yourself even further and reach level 100, you will become a Demigod. See HELP DEMIGOD for information on both.