We have many commands that let you see who else is in Lusternia. WHO Lists everybody that is on the same plane and visible to you. If you have ANSI on (HELP ANSI) then Guides (HELP GUIDES) will be yellow, Ephemerals will be light blue, Gods will be green and the Administration will be in white. Ascendants will be bold cyan and Demigods will be in brown. BW/QW An abbreviated version of the full WHO list. Also try QW <match> and see only names that begin with the same letters - for example, QW KA will show Kaervas but not Narsrim. GWHO Guild who - same as WHO, but only for guild members. CWHO Same as WHO and GWHO, but only for your city. CLWHO Same as WHO and GWHO, but for your current clan. RWHO Same as the others, but only for those of your race. WHO HERE Shows who is in the same location with you. SPARWHO Shows who is looking for a sparring opponent. See HELP SPARWHO. RPWHO [ON|OFF] Shows who is interested in roleplaying. Optional [ON|OFF] to flag yourself as interested. TRADEWHO <trade> Shows visible members of a trade. See CONFIG TRADEWHO CLASSWHO [ALL] Same as QW, but for your current class. Optional [ALL] shows offline people also.