For the Avenger Justice system, see HELP VENGEANCE. To see active vengeance games: VS VS <arena> The vengeance game is a test of your skills of deceit and detection. Players are pitted against each other in a brutal stab-in-the-back game, generally containing two teams (although some contain more!). The main teams are the populace and the assassins, both of which are trying to destroy the other. Members of the populace know only their own identity, and must attempt to uncover their friends and foes. Assassins know the identity of all team members, and must work together to outnumber the town through deception and subterfuge. Some games may contain a killer, who is effectively on their own team. If they are one of only two players remaining, they will be declared the winner. The game repeats through two phases: the primary and the secondary. During the primary phase (often "day"), all players discuss the game so far and vote to lynch someone in an attempt to kill a member of the opposing team. During the secondary phase (often "night"), communication is prohibited (except for Assassins on the Vengeance channel), and certain roles may use their special skills. A vengeance game has two associated rooms - the staging room and the main room. The staging room allows a new vengeance game to be initiated (by authorised persons) and allows players to join. The game itself takes place in the main room. A player may be assigned any of the following roles: o Populace. This is a standard role with no special abilities. The populace win when there are no assassins or killers remaining. o Assassin. This is a special role with a shared kill. Assassins can talk on the Vengeance channel during the night to discuss strategy. The assassins win when their remaining members equal or outnumber the remaining players. o Detective. This is a special role that can investigate another player during the night to see whether they are aligned with the populace or the assassins. He wins with the populace. o Protector. This is a special role that can guard one player during the night. That player will receive protection from one kill attempt. He wins with the populace. o Blocker. This is a special role that can block one player during the night. Any action that player attempts to make during the night will fail. He wins with the populace. o Killer. This is a special role that is on his own team. He has a kill attempt during the night. If investigated, he will appear to be with the populace. However, he wins by himself only if he is one of two members remaining. o Vigilante. This is a special role that can attempt to kill one player during the night. He wins with the populace. o Watcher. This is a special role that can follow a player during the night. He will see any attacks targetted against that player. He wins with the populace. Syntax ------ Player Syntax: VENGEANCE RESULT - See the result of the last game played. VENGEANCE PLAYERS - See who is currently playing, and active, in the vengeance game. VENGEANCE LYNCH <player | NOBODY> - Vote to lynch a player, or nobody. VENGEANCE UNLYNCH - Completely remove your lynch vote. VENGEANCE LYNCH VOTES - List all current votes. VENGEANCE ROLE - See your role and available skills. VENGEANCE LEAVE - Quit the vengeance game. VTELL <message> - Assassins: Conspire together during the night. VENGEANCE ASSASSINATE <player> - Assassins: Kill a player during the night. VENGEANCE PROTECT <player> - Protectors: Guard a player during the night. VENGEANCE INVESTIGATE <player> - Detectives: Find the alignment of another player during the night. VENGEANCE BLOCK <player> - Blockers: Stop a player from performing their night action. VENGEANCE KILL <player> - Killers and Vigilantes: Kill a player during the night. VENGEANCE WATCH <player> - Watchers: Follow a player during the night and see who targets them. Admin Syntax: VENGEANCE SETUP - Show the current game setup. VENGEANCE SET <param> <val> - Set one of the game parameters. VENGEANCE START - Start the game. VENGEANCE RESET - Reset the game if something goes wrong.