On the most simplistic level, guilds are where one learns professional class skills and specializations while deeply espousing one of the core values of your city or commune. In this way, it provides a social organisation of like-minded individuals. In Lusternia, however, guilds are much more than that. They are not separate from the city or commune in which they are located; rather, guilds should be considered branches of the city's or commune's infrastructure, so close is the interrelationship. Each city and commune revolves around a nexus of power (unique to each city and commune), and guilds both upkeep and use this nexus for the raw power needed to perform many of their special feats. Leaving a city or commune cuts off the individual from the spiritual ties to that nexus of power, so in a sense being a member of a city or commune is more important than being a member of a guild. While guilds are the learning centres where you train your skills, it is also your political part. The ruling council of the city or commune is made up of Guild Leaders, and not being a member of a guild will disenfranchise you from the political process of your city or commune. You can join a guild either by being inducted by a senior guild member, or by the guild's collegium tutor if: - you are under level 50; - you have not previously been inducted into the guild; and - you are not a guild enemy. To see a list of known guilds, please see HELP GUILDS.