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Public News Post #1866

Hallifax's Tricentennial Refounding Festival

Written by: Chairwoman Alexandria Shevat, the Effervescent Sylph
Date: Monday, March 9th, 2020
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings, Basin,

Three hundred (and two) years ago, Hallifax was freed from stasis, and we began the process of rebuilding our Collective from the lone citizen who remained. While Chairman Cririk Adom is no longer leading us personally, his determination and ideals remain with us, and it is our honour to present the third centennial Refounding Festival, from Dvarsh through Tzarin of this year.

For the duration of the festival, any who are not enemies of the Collective are welcome to visit and take part in the events below.

2nd Dvarsh 555 (00:01 GMT Saturday/20:00 EDST Friday)
- The Refounding Festival will open, followed by games in the theatre, so please join us at the Hallifaxian Opera House.

17th Dvarsh 555 (15:00 GMT Saturday/11:00 EDST Saturday)
- Debate contest hosted by the Adherents of Adom. Still seeking judges, and would-be participants are asked to notify Kethaera of their interest so something of a schedule might be arranged (late entrants will still be welcome, though!)

- Around 19th Dvarsh (17:30 GMT/2:30pm EDST) the Grand Aerie for Harmonious Refinement will be hosting a tea party in our fabled cloud gardens. Join us for food and drinks and an opportunity to gather with people from all over.

- Should there be sufficient interest, we will be holding Vengeance games around the turning of the weave, near the start of Tzarin.

19th Tzarin 555 (18:30 GMT Sunday/14:30 EDST Sunday)
- Our Tricentennial Collectivist Ball will be held this day, starting off with a grand display and lasting for as long as attendants remain. Dress will be formal - come dressed as finely as you can!

Other events
Unscheduled events may occur as time and interest permits, including a new lecture from the delightful Lord Portius Nitraedes.

We look forward to seeing everyone at these events, and expect that it will be an entirely memorable occasion overall.

- Alexandria Shevat
Chairwoman of the Board of Directors

Penned by my hand on the 3rd of Kiani, in the year 555 CE.

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