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Public News Post #1867

A Toast to the Degradation of Two Cities

Written by: Kyalrhin
Date: Wednesday, April 1st, 2020
Addressed to: Everyone

Salutations, oh shards of the Basin of Life.

I am not one who feels a need to speak out in such a public forum as this - I enjoy much more personal, and intimate, contact with people. I have no shame, however... Whatever I do, I do so openly, and generally without hostility with my full effort and sincerity thrown into it. Honestly, it's likely overwhelming. Nobody likely cares that squonkabonks have radioactive tears. It is simply my nature to be honest and forthright, though people who wish to see this intent as otherwise will no doubt do so. People generally cannot handle this kind of brazenness without being taken aback. That is completely understandable. However, I won't try to trick you, or guilt you, or entreat you into doing anything you don't want to do. I'll simply ask, and if you give me a firm, "no", well, then, that's typically where it ends.

It is a little odd that I start this off with an introduction of my personality... but I am an introverted, insignificant, lowly personage that boasts no seat of power, so I imagine that I am not a very well-known figure. The above is simply meant to be a point of reference, to set the tone, for what is to follow in this missive.

So, I will speak candidly of something that happened lately. You know, the upcoming anniversary of the betrayal of Gaudiguch to its former alliance. For some reason, nobody is speaking of this. It's simply being accepted as is, as expected, and doesn't this just say a lot about the individuals involved in the scheming?

Dearest Gaudiguch, you seem to be unaware, but you are betrayers. Are you taken aback by this declaration? Well, I did set the mood, so you should have expected it. I had a conversation of late with your leader, the disgraced Ashira Ysav'rai, and her indignation was quite a sight to behold. When I mentioned freedom to her, she was amazingly livid that any but a member of her citizenry should be granted such a right. Naturally, I had to also mention that these citizens seemingly had no voice in the current political state of things, of which she passionately responded with... nothing. Ah, such a politician, pretending or ignoring a difficult question that contradicts what you just proudly announced. Bravo! However, unlike many of my compatriots, I do believe the citizenry is complicit in this decision. Taken unawares or not, you elected these people who made those choices. I don't see you the people of Gaudiguch as children that are unable to account for their actions, but... whatever. Gaudiguch has branded themselves once again with the black mark of betrayer for self-interest, and I don't think this should be forgotten. This isn't a wine stain on an old tunic that you expect to just rub off with some vinegar and hot water when you want to don it again, don't you know?

And now, apparently, sister to Gaudiguch, Hallifax. For I do not believe that Gaudiguch should burdered with the entirety of the shame of their actions... they were wholly enabled by you. There would be no betrayal, no further blackening of Gaudiguch's mark on history, without the full and complicit assent of Hallifax. Though your ideals, and your history, should make you diametrically opposed to one another... now you drunkenly fondly your alliance with apathetic abandon. Shucking off this history and integrity for a bit of a dalliance. It's a bit of a role-reversal isn't it? Gaudiguch the schemers, Hallifax the careless enablers. Are you suffering some sort of middle-age crisis? Or has apathy simply reared its ugly head and the brutes of your city domineered it? I will confess a thing, embarassing as it is to admit, but I was once quite smitten with the idea of Hallifax, you know? A place of science and art, interests that, as a researcher and designer myself, appealed to me quite a bit. Initially I was quite enthused and very excited to meet and share with your people. Naturally, as I interact with your people, that had diminished quite a bit.

Anyways, the point of this was just to announce it and display how kind of ridiculous it is. Seriously, this should have been big news, but it didn't even generate the attention of a mouse's fart. Maybe that was the intent, and I ruined it? Well, whatever. I still find it ridiculous.

Kyalrhin Ysav'rai.

Penned by my hand on the 25th of Roarkian, in the year 556 CE.

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