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Public News Post #1956

Squirrely Squirrels

Written by: Hoarder of Things, Ixchilgal Mes'ard, Lord of Noodles
Date: Sunday, March 26th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings to all fellow squirrel lovers.

Rejoice, for today is a great day for all of us. Your efforts do not go unnoticed, and trust us, when this stew is finished, they won't go unrewarded either. Tree-rat was the perfect ingredient to finish this delicacy, and our initial taste testing suggests it'll be a dish that goes down in history.

We couldn't have done this without all your help. Those nature guardians were on to us...though, in fairness, we probably shouldn't have shown up with a cleaver and a cook book. But while they were so distracted with us, everyone else got the job done with enviable aplomb. We are indebted, one and all.

Now, while the soup is good so far, we can't help but think it could use something else to help balance things out a bit. We're fairly sure that certain "I don't know what" has to do with how forbidden the ingredients are. It's like stealing a sandwhich - the secret ingredient is crime. So go forth fellow gourmands, and bring us only the most delicious of humming birds, the fluffiest of puppies, and the party will start at seven.

Ixchilgal Mes'ard
Herald of Mu
Their Devil
Trophy Husband
Lord of Noodles
Minister of Sloth

Penned by my hand on the 5th of Estar, in the year 645 CE.

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