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Public News Post #1970

a group of furrikin

Written by: Eiselle Mes'ard, Spicy Cinnabun
Date: Wednesday, July 19th, 2023
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings Everyone

Throughout the rich tapestry of our shared history, we, the furrikin, have celebrated and championed our diverse forms. Our unique and fascinating forms have thrived together, giving our society vibrant diversity and unity. Yet, we have lacked a term that aptly encapsulates the essence of our existence as a group, a word that truly represents the union of our diverse forms.

Therefore, it is a great pleasure to suggest a new term to represent us as a group, regardless of our form.

A group of furrikin, in all our colorful diversity, should be known as a 'fluffle.'

A 'fluffle' perfectly captures our togetherness, unity in diversity, and shared existence. It is a term of endearment and respect that appreciates our uniqueness yet brings us together under a shared banner.

To this end, I'd like to borrow wisdom from the Book of Bollikin. The Elder God Tae once said, "We can never be lost so long as we have each other."

Therefore this is not a term of exclusivity but of inclusivity, representing each of us whether you possess the swift agility of the bunny furrikin or the tenacity of the badger furrikin. 'Fluffle' affirms our race, a testament to the fact that we stand together, despite and because of our differences.

In fact, I wish to extend an invitation beyond those who are furrikin. To all the furred races of our world who share our unity and community spirit, I invite you to be a part of our 'fluffle.' This term, while from furrikin identity, can symbolize unity for all.

Here are some ways you might incorporate 'fluffle' into casual conversation:

When greeting a group of furrikin, you could say, "Hello, fluffle!"

If you notice a group of furrikin from afar, you could say, "Look at the fluffle over there!"

If you're planning a gathering, instead of saying, "Let's have a furrikin gathering," you could say, "Let's form a fluffle!"

Remember a 'fluffle,' a symbol of unity in diversity, strength in togetherness, and honor in shared identity.

I welcome any further discussion on this topic.

Thank you!

Penned by my hand on the 13th of Kiani, in the year 654 CE.

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