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Public News Post #1993

Essence Contest Thingy

Written by: Bootylicious King Ixchilgal Mes'ard, Minister of Embezzlement
Date: Wednesday, July 10th, 2024
Addressed to: Everyone

Greetings to everyone we like, most of the ones we don't, and an extra special greetings to the ones who don't fit in either category.

It's us, your favourite Sultan currently in office, here with great news for everyone who this isn't bad news for. Some of you may have noticed that the lovely Lady Kalikai is back amongst us! Fortune smiles upon those who are fortunate enough to be smiled upon.

To celebrate, Gaudiguch is sponsoring an essence gathering contest. Prizes of 100, 50, and 25 credits to the first, second, and third place offerers respectively, with a five credit reward to anyone who offers at least 50k essence total. This offer even extends to you filthy heathenites out there. Truly, our generosity knows no bounds.

Now, while we aren't saying you should straight up attempt to bribe the Lady so that She would give us some misleading information about who the top donators are, we can't help but note that if you leave enough booze at Her fulcrux, She might be too drunk to count up the totals properly, and get a few names mixed up. Certainly couldn't hurt to try to grease the wheel a bit, if you're not as good at murderhobo'ing your way across the basin as some others might be.

Contest starts when we make this news post, and ends Estar 1, 684 CoE. That gives you a little more than a year to properly lubricate the Lady Kalikai with booze and essence.

If you have any questions, please feel free to ask.

Ixchilgal Mes'ard
Herald of Mu
Their Devil
Trophy Husband
High Ritualist (Not That Kind of High)
High Ritualist (That Kind of High)
Minister of Power
Not As Sober As You Might Think

Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Klangiary, in the year 682 CE.

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