On the continued slaughtering of the Kephera Hives by the Shadowlight Alliance
Written by: Animated Corpse Tzshalgoth
Date: Wednesday, February 19th, 2025
Addressed to: Everyone
To the Hive Queens and Kings of the Kephera,
Time is the only voice that cannot be silenced, or bought, or bent to the will of those who seek to twist it. It dooes not wevae falsehoods in golden threads, nor does it whisper sweet deceits into the ears of all who would listen.
And what has time revealed to you, leaders of the Kephera? It has shown that the Light is not your ally, your guardian, or your friend. The Light, and those who wield it, are the bolt between your eyes as you are led to slaughter.
For the Light, in all its self-proclaimed purity, festers with hypocrisy. Its missionaries raise sword and shield and holy symbol to defend you against the servants of Transformation when they are under the unrelenting gaze of Father Sun. But in the stillness of Mother Night, when shadows stretch to encompass them in the bosom of their only true allies, they are happy to watch you and your kin hunted for sport, for greed, for gold. And perhaps, if no one is watching, partake in such hunts themselves.
How many of your kin have been swallowed by the Wyrd? How many tunnels now lay quiet, filled with the carapaces of those who believed in the false mercy of the Light? How many have been scathed by Air and burned by Fire? Know this, Kephera. The Light does not stand beside you. They stand above you, watching, weighing, deciding when your existence serves their convenience and when it becomes something that can simply be wiped away. You are tolerated only when your survival aligns with their interests. They offer protection only when it suits them. When the world above turns its gaze elsewhere, when no eyes bear witness, their hands turn red with the blood of your fallen. You, who contained the Soulless Illith for untold millenia? Who are they to treat you so?
I ask you now, proud leaders of the Kephera, what will you do? Will you continue to give yourselves to the Light, offering them loyalty even as they turn a blind eye to your suffering? Will you keep your warriors stationed at their borders, training their young, bolstering their strength while they let yours bleed away in the dark? Or will you make them choose?
Pull back your soldiers. Renounce your friendship. Revoke your gifts. Let them prove where their loyalties truly lie. If the Light will not condemn those who slaughter you, then why do you continue to shield them? Withdraw, until they are forced to look upon the truth they so desperately try to ignore.
Yours in Service,
Master Tzshalgoth
Penned by my hand on the 12th of Tzarin, in the year 701 CE.