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Announce News Post #1037

Aetherspace Updates

Written by: Morgfyre, the Legion
Date: Thursday, March 13th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone

- The Parallax Aether Arena has been released!
--- Type PARALLAX to see the basic syntaxes.
--- Ships may PARALLAX CHALLENGE <ship> to challenge another ship to a
--- There are Aether Dogfights, which are similar to standard
--- There may be more games forthcoming!

- New skill in Aethercraft: GLIDE

- New ship artifact: Aether Anchor
- An anchor will allow a ship to, once per Lusternian day, create a
temporary dock.

- You will no longer see ship movement messages if your ship is
considered to be in-motion. After a period of 5 seconds with no
movement, a ship will return to rest.

- GRID REPAIR MODULE can be used with no specified module, and will
intelligently attempt to heal the most damaged module.

- GRID JOIN and GRID REMOVE can be used while docked.

- GRID SCAN will also return the short names of the ships it finds.

- SHIP LOOK INFO will now work.

- Fusion is now a delayed task, and:
... It will be interrupted if your ship moves or takes damage.
... It will cancel your ship's gliding to prevent accidental

- Immersion's power cost has been reduced by half.

- Combateer Shock will now work properly. Previously it was just
knocking a module off balance.

- There will now be more variety of beasts in Aetherspace, some harder
than before. This also means that there is more XP to be gained from
hunting these harder beasts!

- The gold reward for selling auronispheres at the Facility has

- Clarification: It is believed by some players that an Empath's
Resonance power is just a lesser version of Spiral. However, Resonance
prevents aetherbeasts from tracking to you, whereas Spiral does not. So
the difference is: spiral defends from other ships, resonance defends
from beasts.

- Various typos also fixed, some system updating may be required.

The following are unrelated bugfixes:

- Inscribing multiple runes and tarot cards at once works once more
- A less confusing message for using the wrong channel with PSI
- You are no longer able to inquisition someone who is already under an
- There was a bug where a person's opened aura from Heretic was carring
over and allowing them to be instantly inquisitioned when Infideled. No
- Sleeping players who awaken due to vomiting will now be aware of this
- You will no longer be able to transverse and doubly link power from
your nexus
- Evade (Stealth) is no longer stopped by walls
- Nervous (Healing) now cures "paralyzed on the lower body."
- Entourages will no longer be moveable off balance.
- Guild tutors will properly call for help when attacked
- The faerie godmother's homicidal rampages have been quelled
- A keg with less than 50 sips left won't be the one you fill from.
- Psionics AlterAura can remove Constitution.
- Powerspikes will kick in when power is drained, not when it's being
- You won't get a generic message about not wielding a weapon, when the
real culprit is hemiplegy
- You can check SCORE while DOMOTH DESCEND/ASCENDing
- Ditto for meditating upon ascendance.
- You can't waylay (in Stealth) while graced.
- Female mounts bucking off repugnant riders will use female pronouns.
- Text you say on FT will show capitalized to you as well as everyone
- OWHO will say "in your Circle (and below)"
- OTO and OTI should be limited as OT is by planar distances.
- Spiritbond river should apply regen in the same environments in which
you can bond it
- Blanknote won't penetrate prismatic barrier.
- If you're asleep when the teleport goes through, it won't finish.
- Music Roulade used to be flat 15%, now it depends on instrument
- WildArrane AncestralWatch will be triggered more regularly now
- Wrack can't be done while prone.
- You can no longer ASCEND from the Domoth to the Havens.
- Triumphing in the combat rankings will cause a facebook blessing.
- Food eaten isn't used up in the arena.


Penned by My hand on the 5th of Tzarin, in the year 200 CE.

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