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Announce News Post #1102

Envoy Report and Bug Fixes

Written by: Morgfyre, the Legion
Date: Friday, June 6th, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone


- Aquamancy Waterbourne and the Trout totem will allow sleeping in
watery environments.

- Druidry stag totem animals will attack as well as fling enemies into
the trees on a percent chance. If they are at an elevation where they
cannot fling, they will always instead attack.

- Astrology Sidiak's fixed sign has changed to epilepsy.

- Necromancy Leech is more potent.

- Tarot World now lasts 5 shield-breaking flings rather than 60 seconds.

- Axelord Breakarm is now a swing or jab.

- New Blademaster skill: COLLAPSENERVE.

- Armour and shields will take less wear from use.

- Music song duration is now affected by charisma. Those with high
charisma will have longer songs than previously.

- Music PerfectFifth will give a brief earache effect that prevents
eating earwort.

- Wildarrane's NatureRhythm will now consider AlbionAria to be winter
for its effect. In addition, if it is true winter and AlbionAria is
being played, the winter effects of NatureRhythm will be increased.

- Psychometabolism Doublepain is more potent.

- Crow Regurgitate is now on regular balance again.


- Dreamweavers in dreamform should be able to see most things that
denizens do, such as entering, exiting, talking, emoting,
dropping gold, picking things up, and more. (If there are more
things denizens do that dreamweavers should see but don't, please
bug them with precise details so we can track them down.)

- Energy cubes now hold 1000 charges, not 999.

- Magiclist will show "*" for months left for artifact items.

- Halberds can now be sheathed in any frogge that can handle
two-handed polearms (if anyone makes a design accordingly).

- Error messages from drawing and sheathing are less unclear.

- You can't bypass telekinesis barriers by swimming anymore.

- If someone is barging or doorblasting the other side of a door
you'll be able to hear and see it happening.

- Newbies won't show on CGWHO before leaving the Portal of Fate.

- Those who abort the newbie journey early should still get their
starting equipment.

- Those who join bard and warrior guilds through collegium denizes
will get their lutes or claymores as appropriate.

- Gems of cloaking will remove you from showing on "Teachers in
realm" on the help scrolls for organizations.

- Attacking a commune totem will automatically declare all online
members of that commune.

- When checking out a book from a library or bookshelf, the message
will tell you what kind of book (codex, pamphlet, etc.) you get.

- Perfect Fifth attraction will only work if the bard is on the same
elevation as the target.

- The collegium log showing an inguilding will list the right guild.

- CGW will ignore planes when used by students. (Teachers still only
see people on the same plane.)

- Nametells (e.g., "jill hi!") will use the same "best match" method
that normal tells (e.g., "tell jill hi!") use; so if Jill and Jillian
are both online, Jill will get the tell.

- BACKSTAGE PERFORM commands are no longer case-sensitive.

- Fixed the Facebook blessing for directing a winning theater

- Infiltrate will no longer trigger Acrobatics Dodging, Timeslip,
Reflections, etc.

- Laying traps will cause Serpent to drop.

- The skills Fog and Magelock were being learned out of order in
Elementalism. If you didn't have them, you might, now.

- GRID REPAIR MODULE now works without a module ID specified.

- Briars, stonewalls, and similar effects will no longer appear in
the spectator stands after an arena event.

- You can no longer scrub from the rooftops over a water room.

- Trying to meld and failing won't cost balance.

- If you start a teleport and die, the teleport won't finish.

- You won't convert reserves to power while you're a soul.

- Fixed various typos and grammar errors.


Penned by My hand on the 9th of Avechary, in the year 208 CE.

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