Ecology Updates
Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Monday, June 23rd, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone
Ecology Update
Ecology has been given a special review and ended up undergoing a pretty
major update. You can look for these changes:
- Charms have been giving a very large upgrade for the amount of damage
they can potentially absorb.
- Hillsmudge - the delay in the mud affliction is now much stronger .
- Finsfetish can now use mantakaya and calcise.
- Female ecologists in Serenwilde will get a vixen familiar instead of a
- FetishArmour - Ecologist can use their fetish to meld with their
animal companion, making the animal invulnerable (but of course you give
up your fetish).
- SmudgeDrop - animal familiars can drop smudges.
- FamiliarSting - Armoured familiars can do poison attacks.
- FamiliarBerserk - Armoured animal familiars can do poison attacks at
double speed.
- FamiliarGuard - Armoured familiars can attempt to block attacks.
- SnakeBane - A timed curse that makes the target more susceptible to
- BatBane - A timed curse that increases damage music attacks as well as
egovice,manabar,powerspike. Also increases earache time, lasts 60
- HerbBane - A timed curse that has a chance of making eaten herbs give
ego and mana damage instead of curing.
Penned by My hand on the 14th of Juliary, in the year 209 CE.