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Announce News Post #1439

Streamlining Combat: Damage Updates

Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Wednesday, November 18th, 2009
Addressed to: Everyone

First, I'd like to thank everyone who helped test the updates to the
various damage formulas. It is trickier than you can imagine! While
everyone may notice some very slight changes to the amount of damage you
do, the majority of the changes impacts those with super high stats
(strength, intelligence, etc. over 20). In other words, super high stats
shouldn't give such a gross advantage in terms of raw damage as it was.
The big change is for weapon stats which now have a more prominent role.
Thus, there should really be some difference in choosing a damage weapon
over a precision weapon, etc.

The last damage update we are considering is to put a damage cap on the
following attacks: basic weapons (jab/swing), basic monk (punch, kick,
jakari, tahto, shofa, nekai), elemental blast, elemental staff, druid
cudgel, nature talisman, moonburst, nightkiss, cosmic fire, symbol, and
minorsecond. The damage caps would be based on a target's maximum health
and consideration would be taken into account for one-handed vs.
two-handed weapons, as well as multiple monk attacks. These caps would
be aimed to prevent over-the-top damage attacks.

However, capping damage for basic attacks is still only in the
consideration stage. With the aforesaid damage updates, there may be no
reason to have caps. Also, there are some valid and strong arguments
against capping damage and we'll be listening to player input as well as
waiting to see how the damage updates level the field before making any
final decisions.

Penned by My hand on the 20th of Klangiary, in the year 250 CE.

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