Written by: Roark Libertas
Date: Friday, December 31st, 2004
Addressed to: Everyone
I'll chime in here for clarification before people starting bugging me
on this or start spreading incorrect rumours, as I'm sure will happen.
How does "debate" damage work? If the result is neutral, you still do
some mild damage to the target for not being able to refute you. If your
target is weak to your attack, your debating strength goes up in
addition to doing heavy damage. If your target is immune to your attack,
you not only take damage for being refuted, your target's debating
strength also goes up. As your debating strength rises, you will find
yourself doing more debating damage. Thus landing victories and refuting
your opponent will make you more powerful in the long term. Also,
charisma and skill level in Influence do impact your debating damage as
Penned by my hand on the 10th of Klangiary, in the year 106 CE.