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Announce News Post #198


Written by: Roark Libertas
Date: Friday, February 11th, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone

Some changes to how loyal NPC minions work (fae, angels, etc.):

1) Ordering a minion to kill someone will not be considered aggressive
against the target. Though it counts as an aggressive act, it is not
*against* the target, sort of how like casting a demesne spell is
aggressive but not against anyone in particular.

2) It will be considered an act of aggression by the minion's master if
the minion attacks someone. What this means is that you cannot trigger
the avenger when you order it to kill someone; avenger only gets
triggered if it actually has a chance to hit the target face to face.
What this also means is that it will not fight someone you cannot commit
aggression against, which is the most important part. For example, if
you have PK careful on then your minions will not attack people you are
a suspect of; but if you have PK careful off then it will go through the
avenger just as if you punched the person yourself. (Though everyone has
PK carteful on, right? So that should never happen if you do the right
thing.) They will also not fight other people if you are graced, etc.

3) Attacking someone else's minion will be considered aggressive from
the perspective of the avenger if the target is on-line. If you logoff
with your minions out in the open then sorry, they are fair game for
people to slay. Otherwise, if you are the suspect of Joe, Nihilist of
Doom, and you attack his archdemon then it will give him vengeance.
Note, Avechna will stay your hand if you have PK careful on.

What does this mean? Basically it should plug all the holes with NPCs.
If you are someone's suspect, you cannot attack his minions. If you
order minions to kill a suspect then you will not lose the suspect
status if your minions do not actually see combat. And finally, there
will be no way to make your minions kill those whom you are a suspect of
without triggering the avenger just like any other attack.

Penned by my hand on the 14th of Estar, in the year 110 CE.

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