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Announce News Post #199

The Great Seals and Karma

Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Saturday, February 12th, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone

With the uncovering of the Great Seals of the Vernal Gods, karma has
been unleashed upon Lusternia. Karma is a system of blessings and curses
whereby you may travel to one of the Great Seals and use your karma to
give yourself a blessing or curse someone on your suspect list (which
removes them from your suspect list). Note that if you curse someone who
has a blessing of the same type, it will remove the blessing rather than
give the curse. See HELP KARMA for more details.

I wish to emphasize that it is not that difficult to gain karma;
however, if you engage in indiscriminate killing on the prime plane and
are subject to multiple curses, you will be very unhappy if you cannot
gain the karma to lift the curses as the effect of curses become worse
over time. Also, you will lose one karma for every person who has you
listed as a suspect, NO MATTER WHERE THE DEATH OCCURS. The exceptions
are deaths in the arena and guild champions are exempted.

To curse someone, he or she must be on your suspect list within 7 RL
days of getting listed on your suspect list. Cursing will remove that
person from your suspect list. CURSES WILL NOT BE ACTIVATED UNTIL 7 DAYS
FROM THIS POST. We are doing this so you cannot be cursed retroactively
from the time karma has been initiated. From this point forward,
however, any person you kill on non-enemy territory on the prime plane
will potentially be able to curse you.

Finally, the Avenger System will treat villages in-play as though they
are everyone's enemy territory. In other words, you will not gain or
lose suspect status killing people in in-play areas as the Avenger will
treat it as though you killed on another plane.

Penned by my hand on the 8th of Kiani, in the year 110 CE.

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