A Bit Thank You and Upcoming Events
Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Wednesday, October 20th, 2004
Addressed to: Everyone
We've been into open beta less than two weeks and I must say I am
extremely overwhelmed with the response to Lusternia! (Am I the only one
who thinks it's been longer--I mean longer in a good way!) We've been
maintaining an extremely healthy usage of players online and you guys
have knocked my socks us by catapulting Lusternia to the No. 4 on
TopMudSites. Well done!
Okay, now that I've put my socks back on, I admit that the ride has been
somewhat bumpy. The first three days of opening were extremely chaotic,
the Avenger system had some kinks, commodity costs for trade items had
to be adjusted, warriors got put through the mill, and a variety of bugs
were uncovered. Yes, I know many of these had unwelcome impacts
throughout Lusternia, but let me remind you that we have not been open
two weeks and that we are in a beta phase. Nonetheless, I see group
dynamics beginning to take shape, political factions fomenting, god
orders have begun organizing, conflicts arising, and all such dynamics
that will pave the way to some exciting roleplaying scenarios in the
future. You've had time to get to know Lusternia and we've had time to
get to know you.
As such, your Divine Patrons have informed me that they have chosen who
the first guild leaders will be. I personally think that's rather
amazing given they've only had less than two weeks to decide (I had
thought it'd take much longer, and hope they won't regret their
impetuousness). But, anyway, this is coinciding with the first game year, so
I think some celebrations are in order! This Friday, the chosen guild
leaders will be raised to their positions, elections will be held for
Trademasters and Leaders of the cities and Serenwilde (you must have 50
playing hours to run for these positions however), and, so no one is
left out, we'll have a quiz, an egghunt, some combat tourneys and other
festivities to mark this important occasion. I'm excited!
Again, thank you everyone for giving Lusternia such a strong opening,
and I promise we'll do everything we can for Lusternia to live up to
your expectations. Who knows? Maybe one day we'll even make it to the
No. 1 on TopMudSites!
Penned by my hand on the 19th of Roarkian, in the year 100 CE.