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Announce News Post #310

Scabbards and Frogges

Written by: Estarra, the Eternal
Date: Wednesday, June 8th, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone

Some of you may remember awhile ago I had mentioned that after all the
brouhaha over the warrior reworking was over that we had one final
surprise left for warriors. Well, our little coder monkeys have finished
the final piece! There is now a new category in forging called
Scabbards! This category includes both scabbards (which are only for
swords) and frogges (clasps that are for most anything else including
bludgeon weapons and axes). Note that they can only hold specific types
of weapons depending on the type of scabbard they are. Weapon types for
scabbards and frogges are: one-handed sword, two-handed sword,
one-handed axes, two-handed axes, one-handed bludgeons, two-handed
bludgeons. Please note the following:

Sheathing a weapon. The full syntax available is: SHEATHE
<weapon>|LEFT|RIGHT [<scabbard>]. If you specify a hand, you will
sheathe whatever you're wielding in that hand, otherwise you'll sheathe
the specified weapon. If you don't specify a scabbard, the first empty
one that'll fit the selected weapon will be used. Usually, "SHEATHE
SWORD" will be good enough.

When you PROBE a scabbard, you can see what kinds of weapons it can
hold, and if it's holding one, you'll see it.

Draw a weapon. The full syntax available is: DRAW <weapon>|<scabbard>
[LEFT HAND|RIGHT HAND]. If you specify a hand, that's the hand you'll
wield in, assuming that hand is free; otherwise, the first free hand is
used. Usually, "DRAW SWORD" will be good enough.

Drawing and sheathing weapons ONLY requires arm balance for the affected
arm (but is stopped by hemiplegy and other things that count as making
the arm unusable).

Penned by my hand on the 2nd of Avechary, in the year 119 CE.

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