Changes from the forums
Written by: Hajamin, the Golden Lord
Date: Thursday, June 16th, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone
This is just the first batch, a few more changes will come.
1. Shrine powers will no longer work in a village that is in play.
2. If you die in a village that is in play, you will conglutinate just
as if you had died in your home city.
3. Laetitia now has a "balance" to it. This means once it is cast upon
you, there is a delay before another one will effect you.
4. CONFIG LOYALSAYS [ON|OFF] has been added for those level 30 and
higher. If it is off you will no longer hear the cries for help on city
and guild channels.
5. Serpent will disappear on movement, this was actually a bug.
6. Flow and Willowisp will only work in your type of forest. That means
tainted forests for Glomdoring and natural forests for Serenwilde.
Penned by my hand on the 25th of Estar, in the year 120 CE.