Bug Fixes
Written by: Lisaera, the Ethereal Maiden
Date: Sunday, October 2nd, 2005
Addressed to: Everyone
Lots of miscellaneous changes.
- Ecology Conceal should now properly hide all movement messages of a
concealed familiar.
- Bond move (for both Ecology and Tracking) will now give you a message
as to where your bonded animal is moving to when you order it.
- The discretionary power Nexus Distort will now stop someone inside the
village being rescued by their Guild Champion if they are an enemy of
the organisation controlling that village.
- I'm not sure if this has been announced yet or not, but it's important
so I'll make sure; the puissance formula has been fixed, puissance for
two-handers will now do more than the normal damage and wounding, as it
- The Protection scroll created by Bookbinding will now protect against
Geomancy demesnes' poison clouds.
- Moon Waxing will now only heal those in the same Coven as the user.
- If a Coven leader leaves their Coven, it will now pass leadership to
the appointed successor just as if the leader had died or left the
- Guild Administrators, Champions and Secretaries should now be able to
properly create and edit guild referendums.
- All the problems we've had in the past regarding leaders quitting
guilds and such should now be properly fixed, hopefully there should be
no more problems like this again.
- Ears, scalps and demon spawns created in the arena should now be
destroyed upon the exit of their owner.
- Spraying the ground should now properly take and require equilibrium.
- The ingredients needed for the Forest Smudge are now included in its
AB file.
- Jousting should now no longer cause horrible, fiery death if the
person being jousted has no weapon.
- Hunting Camouflage will now no longer tell you there are too many
prying eyes if you are trying to turn it off.
- Ecology ForgePath will now send a message to the person you are
attempting to forge path too, as we had gotten complaints that people
were wasting 10 power because their partner didn't realise they were
meant to be responding at that time.
- Hunting Mimic now has a greater chance that the animal will actually
come all the way to you, and will check that you have balance before
allowing you to do it.
Those are all I can remember for now, but be assured we are doing lots
of work to make Lusternia a better and more stable place!
Penned by my hand on the 13th of Tzarin, in the year 128 CE.