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Announce News Post #881

Registration Process Change

Written by: Roark Libertas
Date: Friday, August 24th, 2007
Addressed to: Everyone

Lusternia has upgraded to a new registration system. I'm afraid that
this means everyone will have to register once more, even if you have
previously registered. There's a silver lining to this minor
inconvenience: we're giving you 5 bound credits for re-registering, per
character. This bonus is only for characters who have registered before.
You will receive these credits after your registration is confirmed via

Please be sure to use a valid email, or you will not be able to confirm
your registration. After you finish registering, you should get an email
from us. Click on the URL in the email, or cut and paste it into your
browser. If you don't get this confirmation email within a couple of
minutes, please check your spam/junk folder in case it somehow ended up
there. If you still do not have the email, you may want to try
registering again and double checking that the right email is entered.
If you're still having problems, please file an ISSUE report.

If you use aliases/triggers, you will want to make sure you have those
turned off while you are registering. There have been people who have,
for example, aliased all their numeric keys to some command, then found
themselves unable to choose from a numeric option menu (i.e., they type
4, or 5, and the alias bound to that numeric key goes off) and thinking
that the registration is 'broken'.

If you have multiple characters, the process is simplified for you.
After you register one character using a valid email address, simply
begin the registration process on your other characters with the same
email address (which will be the first question in the new process), and
the rest of the fields (name, birthday, et cetera) will be auto-filled
for you, and we'll send out a new confirmation email for that character.
You will have to confirm separately for each character.

Furthermore, if you have multiple characters, you will be able to
automatically update your registration information on all your
characters by updating on just one, as long as they are all registered
under the same email address.

Another helpful change with this new system is that you will be able to
reset your character's password yourself, in case you forget it or wish
to change it without logging in. Read about this and more in HELP

Just type REGISTER to start the process, and please BUG any problems you
may have. Thank you!

Penned by My hand on the 20th of Avechary, in the year 184 CE.

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