December Envoy Report
Written by: Morgfyre, the Legion
Date: Monday, January 21st, 2008
Addressed to: Everyone
Hi all,
Here are changes from the December Envoy report, as well as a few random
- JumpKick no longer causes endurance loss if the target is in the wrong
- Dodging will now only be able to dodge aggressive actions from the
same room or an adjacent room. The reasoning behind this is that the
Acrobat needs to see the attacker or attack in order to properly be able
to dodge it.
- New skill: GashChest
- Pinleg will no longer stop focusing and outrifting
- The Luminous pledge now gives blindness instead of revealing shrouded
players and lowering their ability to dodge
- COlourBurst has an increased equilibrium cost
- ColourSpray has an increased equilibrium cost
- RainbowPattern will, on average, take longer to fire
- RainbowPattern will no longer sometimes give 2 afflictions
- RainbowPattern's damage has been slightly lowered
- HypnoticPattern will, on average, take longer to fire
- HypnoticPattern will consume slightly less equilibrium for the victim
- ColourMaelstrom has an increased equilibrium cost
- ColourMaelstrom can only be cast from the ground elevation
- ColourMaelstrom will, on average, give fewer afflictions to those not
- Maze has an increased equilibrium cost
- You will be able to break melds on the Ethereal Plane, but cannot meld
- BlankChord has been reduced in power cost
- BlankChord will often fail to break a CaptiveAudience if the caster is
in the room
- CaptiveAudience gives a room message when it is lost
- SuspendedAnimation can now be entered in most states (including off
balance and equilibrium)
- You must type WAKE to awaken yourself early from Suspended Animation
- Setting up a waylay is not considered aggressive. Note that you will
still have to declare in order for the waylay to take effect when the
target enters your room!
- We will slowly be making guards not greet people by their real name,
but rather by their masqueraded name (if applicable). This is a slow
process so I appreciate your patience with us, though we will try to get
it done as quickly as possible
- Failing a leap will no longer consume balance (also affects mountjump
in riding)
- Disarming a trap that is not yours will return roughly half the
- All Tradeskills may now search for particular types of design items in
the following manner:
Old: FORGING MASTERWEAPONS (to see all masterweapons)
New: FORGING MASTERWEAPONS SWORD (to see all masterweapon swords)
New: FORGING BLADES RAPIER (to see all rapiers)
- You can now read help files while asleep
- The Discernment skill Search will reveal those in the rooftops
Penned by My hand on the 10th of Dvarsh, in the year 196 CE.