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Events News Post #55

The Syrinx Plaza Hotel in Celest

Written by: Anonymous
Date: Monday, April 3rd, 2006
Addressed to: Everyone

The Celestian Star Council for months had been planning to renovate The
Syrinx Plaza Hotel in Celest. They had planned, voted but yet never
started building. It wasn't until a kinswoman in Celest wanted to hold a
birthday party for her son that things got moving.

The woman, wanting to make the party absolutely perfect, had to invite
her son's godmother, Ella, a friend from Delport. Distraught over not
having enough room in her own house to keep her friend up for a few
nights, the woman went to the citizens of Celest and asked if they had
any room or any suggestions. One individual mentioned that Celest was
preparing to build a hotel but they had not finished, citing that no
dwarves were coming to build it.

After pondering, the woman went to Delport to speak with her friend and
together the two called in a favour from a rather odd dwarf from
Southgard. Celest was alerted to the presence of the dwarf when he
showed up at the Pool of Stars, wanting to be paid for services yet

Ayita and Kelly, both ecstatic to spot a dwarf in Celest and one that
seemed to want to build, began searching the city for the construction
site that they had so meticulously planned. Eventually finding the site,
they led the dwarf there without even so much as a single hesitation.

After a few days, the dwarf came back from the construction site and
once more demanded some payment and working materials if Celest wanted
anything done. This time, however, the Princess of Celest, Catarin
Pelus, was alerted of the dwarf and took him to the Star Palace for an

After almost half a day, and several references from Southgard,
including Ethilwen herself, Gradd Proudstone was named architect for the
Syrinx Plaza Hotel and quickly set to work. He brought in several
workers and dwarven construction was put to the test as the entire
company of builders worked around the clock for days on end to get the
hotel done.

During the final stages of construction, several of Celest stopped by to
visit the site and bid their acknowledgement to Gradd Proudstone. It was
this time when he was brought a bit of alcohol by some of the stronger
men of the city. Taken by surprise, Gradd began to profess his undying
infatuation with the strong men who brought him such delicious alcohol
like whiskey, moonshine, and ale.

He even won a kiss from a rather furry igasho named Silimaur, which won
Gradd's decision to complete the hotel in record course. It took only a
few more hours before the final construction of the Syrinx Plaza Hotel
was complete, and Gradd announced it open to public visitors.

The dwarven company left rather quickly, though Gradd did linger behind
to announce that if Celest ever needed the services of the Proudstone
name, or if a rather handsome igasho ever wanted to have a long walk on
beach by the Inner Sea and share a bit of moonshine, to be sure to send
him a note.

Penned by My hand on the 4th of Urlachmar, in the year 144 CE.

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